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Marriage counselling is a process of giving advice, assistance, guidance, help, and so forth to the marital partners in an effort to recognize and to better manage or reconcile troublesome differences and repeating patterns of distress.
Marriage counselling involves recommending a course of action to solve personal difficulties, and gives individuals the chance to talk about their issues in a comfortable and confidential manner.

Therapy basically means treatment without medicines, but here it means more of healing and training the individuals to improve and maintain their relationships. Individual relationship therapy is more about seemingly intractable problems with a relationship history, where emotions are the target and the agent of change. It has lot to do with the past, even the childhood.

Well, marriage counselling or marital therapy would work wonders if both the partners are ready to change themselves instead of trying to change or control their partners only.
Even if one of the partners works on oneself to bring about a transformation, still things can be much better and situations much improved; provided there is no tricky angle or some complicated issue involved; such as an extra-marital affair.